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Information About the 967 Mission Sponsors

More information can be found about the 967 Mission Sponsors on their websites:

Property Management/Resident Services

  • The property will be managed by The John Stewart Company.
  • Resident Services to be provided by Bayview Hunters Point Multipurpose Senior Services (BHPMSS).

Affordably and Eligibility/Tenant Application Process

When rental applications become available, they are accessed and submitted through the City’s online Housing Portal, DAHLIA. Applicants will be asked to provide personal information, household information, income, and preferences. Once they submit their application, they will be entered in the lottery and will receive their ranking once the results are posted. To apply:


Both project sponsors have housing counselors that can assist those interested in applying when the application period starts.


Lottery Process: Pre-Applications are collected through the City and County of San Francisco’s Mayor’s Office of Housing’s Database of Affordable Housing Listings, Information, and Applications (DAHLIA) system. All applicants who submit complete pre-applications are included in a public electronic lottery. The electronic lottery results are then filtered by any city-sponsored housing or project-specific preferences and the final results of the filtered lottery are used to fill vacant units, in lottery rank order.

Qualification Process: Income eligibility consists of Management’s review of income-related documents provided by applicant(s) and documents obtained via Management’s 3rdParty Verification. Applicants complete a packet of required forms documenting sources and amounts of current and anticipated income, provide copies of documents (paystubs, taxes, bank statements, award letters, etc.) to support the sources and amounts of current and anticipated income, and a release for Management to verify the sources and amounts of current and anticipated income. After Management’s review of documents provide by applicants and 3rdParty Verifications, a calculation test is performed to determine if the household income meets the income restrictions of the property or unit.

Waitlist Management: After applicants are processed in lottery rank order for vacant units, a remaining quantity, usually 500, will become the property’s waiting list (in lottery rank order) to fill future vacancies. Management will usually reach out to each of the applicants on the waiting list at least once per year to ensure continued interest in the property and the most up-to-date information (contact and income related) is known for selection of future vacancies.

The project will implement the following MOHCD’s Lottery Preference Programs:

  1. Certificate of Preference (COP)
  2. Displaced Tenant Housing Preference (DTHP)
  3. Neighborhood Resident Housing Preference (NRHP)
  4. Live or Work in San Francisco.

All family units will be leased through a public lottery administered by the City. Plus Housing unit applicants will be referred by MOHCD, and the LOSP-funded units for formerly homeless households will be referred by the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing (HSH) based on need and program fit.


Determining an income mix for an affordable housing development is a complex process. Affordable housing developers must present a unit and income mix that is eligible for State financing and addresses the affordable housing needs for the community, all while ensuring that the property’s rental income can pay for operations expenses (property staff, utilities, insurance, etc.) for 20+ years.


Given the proximity to transportation, services and retail, there will be no car parking, and only bike parking.


The ground floor plate is not large enough to accommodate commercial space, and is programmed with property management offices, a community room with a kitchen that allows for flexibility of uses, services offices, and a small conference room, lobby with mail area and back of house spaces.

The project team aims to provide ground floor spaces that benefit the community and the residents of the building alike. Through the community engagement process, the project team has been compiling information received from attendees of community meetings regarding the desired use of the ground floor space. More information will be shared during future community meetings.


The project team aims to have a roof deck that will be accessible to the residents and an inaccessible green roof on the second floor.


The City issues a NOFA to provide funding to qualified developers to acquire sites specifically for the purposes of creating 100% affordable housing. The City issues an RFQ to solicit qualified developers to develop 100% affordable housing for sites that are already under MOHCD control. John Stewart Company and Bayview Senior Services were selected through the 9 Site Cohort RFQ process.
